
Dry Skin Brushing

Dry Skin Brushing

The skin is the body’s largest organ and is responsible for approximately one third of the body’s detoxification each day, making it one of the most important elimination organs! Another elimination system is the lymphatic system, which connects all of your lymph nodes together to help your immune system and eliminate toxins. You have lymph nodes all over your body, along your neck, collar bone, arm pits, legs and more. If your lymphatic system becomes sluggish and congested, your process of elimination will slow also.
Dry skin brushing aids your lymphatic system to rid itself of toxins that collect in the lymph nodes. By gently brushing the skin, you stimulate the lymphatic system.


  • May aim in removing dead layers of skins, improving the health of skin
  • May increase blood circulation to the skin and underlying organs & tissues
  • May assist the skin in elimination processes
  • May aid muscle tone and more even distribution of fat deposits
  • May increase lymphatic circulation


As the name implies, dry skin brushing should be done on dry skin before showering or bathing. All you need is a natural, soft bristled brush. The process should take you about 5 minutes and you’ll see the most benefits will regular practice over a few months.

Start at the soles of your feet, brush your skin in small, quick motions and with light pressure upwards towards your heart. ALWAYS towards your heart! Don’t brush up and down, only upwards. Avoid broken skin, sensitive areas or rashes.

Moving up from your feet, up the lower leg, knee, behind and over, up your thighs, inner and outer and your bottom. Then onto your abdomen via the inguinal area (groin), spend a little time there as there’s lots of lymph nodes in this area. Continue to brush up the side and front of your abdomen towards the chest, gently over the breast towards your heart. Repeat with the other leg.

Raise your arm, starting from the fingertips and brush down the arm towards the armpits in the direction of the heart. Spend some time in the armpits, as this area too has many lymph nodes, brushing in one direction repeatedly towards the heart. Gently brush down the neck, along the collar bone and across the chest to the heart. Repeat on the other arm.

Once finished brushing, shower or have a bath, add magnesium flakes for extra benefits! Make sure to also drink LOTS of water as the lymphatic system is predominantly made up of water.

Wash your brush every week with water and air dry, preferably in the sun.

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