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Naturopathy | Nutrition | Herbal Medicine

Appointments are available at Healing Hands Natural Health Centre and Online via Telehealth & Phone

Discovery Call // 10 minutes
Unsure what Naturopathy can do for you or not sure which appointment suits you best? Book a FREE discovery call to have a chat with me!

Initial Consultation // 60 minutes
This consultation is all about collecting information. During this consult a thorough medical history will be taken and your health concerns or goals are discussed. Supplements and/or dietary may be prescribed at this time. Upon completion of this appointment, research specific to your individual needs will be undertaken and your treatment plan will be prepare. This information is present to you at your second consultation.

Second Consultation (Report of Findings) // 60 minutes
*Booked as clinically relevant*
This consultation is all about information for you. You will be presented with information addressing your concerns and a treatment plan prepared especially for you, including dietary and lifestyle recommendations.

Follow Up Consultations // 30 minutes
Follow up appointments are spaced between 2-4 weeks, depending on your presenting complaint and specific needs. During these consults progress or changes are discussed and any prescribed supplements/dietary/lifestyle recommendations are reviewed.

Acute Consultation // 15-30 minutes // *available as a phone consultation in cases of cold/flu symptoms*
This appointment is specific for acute conditions, in which we discuss an acute health concern you may be experiencing, such as acute onset of illness (cold, tummy bug etc.), sleep disturbances, increased stress etc. This is designed for patients who are looking for a quick chat to address a simple, acute concern. This is not ideal for chronic or multifaceted health issues.

Long Consultation // 60 minutes
This is for returning patients who haven't had an appointment for over 6 months OR are wanting extra time to discuss complex concerns or meal planning etc.

Book Now

If you're unsure of what appointment would suit you best please contact me.

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